(415) 595-0227

Where’s the rain?

I don’t know about you but I was expecting a little more precipitation this week! Where’s the rain?

As many of my clients know, planting a drought resistent and bay friendly landscape is not only beautiful and requires little maintenance but it also will save you buckets of cash on water bills! It’s no secret we are in a drought and although the National Weather Service predicts some improvement on the horizon this winter, it’s safe to say that it is always smart to plan for rising water cost and inconsistent rainfall to satisfy a non-drought resistent gardens’ needs.

If you haven’t considered taking the neccessary steps to properly irrigate and reduce water consumption by installing drought resistent flora, you might want to. I am a certfied Bay Friendly Landscaper that has installed many impressive drought resistent landsacpes and saved my cutomers thousands of dollars on water bills and maintenance.

I am more than happy to visit with you and discuss money saving options and plan for the future. Feel free to call me an discuss your gardens’ needs.


Licensed & Bonded Contractors
Insurance Agency bond #10129714
C-27 state license #859766

  (415) 595-0227